The hypnotic clack of wheels over tracks eventually rocks you to sleep. And so, I slept most of the way through this country of no night or day.
but I can rightfully say I slept through Hell as well.
Have you ever noticed how the DNA double helix model
resembles a double helix solenoid?
If you could pass an electric current through DNA,
would you magnetize it?
Batteries create electric current via electrolysis.
Electrolysis requires an interaction of acids and bases.
DNA is a double helical chain of acids and bases.
Is it, therefore, also a battery that induces itself with a magnetic field?
What happens when you pass DNA through an external electromagnetic field?
What if that magnetic field is the earth's magnetic field?
How does the earth's magnetic field alter DNA? How does our mind come up with such stuff? Those long ships got around. Whether over people or nature, power is addictive.
The Viking Age began in 793 AD with the destruction of the Lindisfarne Abbey, probably by a bunch of teenagers out on a hoot after downing too many brygges while listening to some old redneck with a moniker something like Ragnutz Hairy-Breeches tell them how they were about to lose their liberties to a bunch of bleeding-heart do-gooders who threatened to confiscate their lightning swift swords — the ones with that lighter, but stronger, steel edge for quicker reloads. The Viking Age climaxed with the Norman invasion of England in 1066. Somewhere between 800 and 1100 AD, most Vikings morphed into Christians. Why? Astrologers will point out that global warming during the Viking Age allowed other signs, and therefore other character types with more frontal lobes, and less impetuosity as witnessed in Aries and Taureans, to live as infants through the long Scandinavian winters. But that generalization about zodiac signs is way too simplistic. Then again, the signs most associated with peace-making are the autumn and winter signs. Hmmm... Nahhhhh...
Not many generations need go by before a tribe realizes that the golden rule is more than a mandate — it is the most practical principle of survival in an expanding population. Some say more trading takes place, and thus more goodies are acquired, with a kind word and a sword, rather than with a sword alone. Maybe the Vikings discovered, as the Nazis who followed them, that beating everyone up does not endear you to the rest of the world. Bullies tend to alienate themselves. I like the Law of Conquest that says the conquered become the spiritual leaders of the conquerer. Thus, St. Olav lost the battle but won the war for Christians. Bye-bye Vikings. Set sail for America. Oops...I mean Vinland where the Vins live. Consequently, after thousands of years of tribes, then nations, slaughtering each other, Europe decided that co-operation, not competition, was best for everyone's prosperity. And so they lived happily ever after. Well, not quite. That suicide rate continues to increase as people invest more in civilization and less in nature and its preservation. So be careful whom you victimize — it may be you.