Brive-la-Gaillarde ⇒ Terrason-Lavilledieu ⇒ Thenon ⇒ Les Eyzies ⇒ Niversac ⇒ Périgueux ⇒ Bordeaux ⇒ La Rochelle...
On way to Atlantic, sidetripped to Les Eyzies to visit the Musée national de Préhistoire
and the 37 pre-historic caves in the Lascaux Valley.
All 37 caves were closed to keep us dirty fungus bearers out.
Yet the slime slowly oozing down the cave walls over the millenia has enhanced the liquid line of the original artists
creating the smooth aesthetic flow we value in all art.
Nature is a painter too.
Were these Cro-Magnon craftsmen just kids defacing a sacred shrine, or moms and dads decorating a child's bedroom?
Will Banksy's graffiti
receive the same care 17000 years from now?
Will the concept of
feminine beauty
remain the same, or will it resemble that scrawled on restroom walls?
Will there be a Musée national de Posthistoire?
Time may tell, but to whom or to what?
Sent Ms. E a postcard from Bordeaux. Bordeaux was her maiden name back in Biloxi, Mississippi. The postcard was slow finding home. I arrived back at Ms. E's before it did two months later. Here below are two photos of Ms. E., one in her prime, and the other, half a million Marlboros later. Rollover Ms. Edmonds and tell those Frenchies the news.
While writing this page, I had an email dialog with a young lady who does not believe there was a 17000 years ago, and who expressed confusion about time — specifically, relative time. Is there such a thing? What could it mean?
SHE: Thought you might be interested in this... So, at my job we travel a lot during the week. They have a library of books on cd that we can listen to while we are driving. This week I chose a physics book called Six Not-So-Easy Pieces by Richard Feynman. Thought I would brush up on my physics. :) CD 1 is missing but that's ok. I still get to listen about space-time and curved space. My last book on CD was Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. Fascinating thinker.
Good! It's about time you got a college education.
I enjoyed the Feynman. Did not understand the logic
of the Lewis.
Don't they let you watch movies while you are driving up there?
SHE: Let me ask a stupid question that I should know the answer to. What does light have to do with time? So what if light gets somewhere before it gets somewhere else. Even if it's the same distance, the objects are still traveling at different speeds. What does that have to do with time in the sense of slowing a heartrate down to make one younger?
HE: Einstein also asked this question. We do not think he was so stupid, except maybe for his ex-wife. Newton chose space and time as his absolute standards in his physics. It's the speed of light that Einstein chose to be absolute in his physics. He was able to explain things more simply with light speed as his standard to which space and time were then measured. So distances may change from one situation to another, but light speed will not. Objects travel at different speeds, but light does not, unless you project it through matter which slows it down. True, if you live like a turtle you will probably live longer than if you live like a rabbit.
SHE: Hmmm.... That doesn't really answer the question.... According to Einstein the rabbit should live longer...
HE: Are you confusing object speeds with the speed of light they emit? The speed of light is independent of an object's speed.
SHE: Not sure... However I do not understand why things last longer when they go faster. That doesn't make sense. Why should the aging process slow down just because molecules move faster. And what does that have to do with the speed of light? And why can nothing go faster than the speed of light? And why does the speed of objects now change how fast light hits something? And what do clocks have to do with light? If a pulse of light comes out of a clock each second while the clock is moving, why would that change time? The difference is when you see the pulses of light, not the actual time itself.
And why is the sky blue?
It is difficult to think about these ideas unless you can dispense with common sense about space and time.
It is not clocks that are dependent on time, but time is dependent on clocks.
Time does not exist in physics apart from clocks.
For the object that is moving fast, i.e. closer to the speed of light, it is moving relative to something moving slow.
To the slower moving object, the fast moving object seems to experience a shrinkage in time.
The faster moving object thinks it is moving at a normal pace,
but sees the slowpoke's time expanding.

This as you know explains why God could create the world in 6 days, but to us mortals and our "clocks" it seems like billions of years. As you remember from John 1:9, God is light, therefore he moves at the speed of light, unless of course he is moving through matter like wind and water. Then he slows down a little. If you go faster than the speed of light, the formula dispenses imaginary numbers. As soon as someone comes up with an interpretation of imaginary time, then maybe physicists will let us travel faster than light speed. That someone could be you.
You can hold onto Newton's absolutes as long as you are an architect, but when stuff starts moving, relativity is needed to explain time and space measurements. The heavenly state of being is when you become light. Then time disappears as it expands to infinity. The above formula agrees. Try it. Of course, I could have it all backwards. 8)
SHE: I believe in imaginary time... And why not? Also quantum physics and the chaos theory. I just don't understand it.
HE: Feynman said that no one understands quantum physics, but the measurements are consistent with it, and that is all that science requires. What we believe is irrelevant. That does not mean you cannot rewrite Einstein's basic postulates and come up with a different theory.
SHE: So, I'm figuring out. You can make the formulas prove what you want as long as you make certain assumptions.
HE: That's pretty much how modern physics works. Of course you also need to verify your formulas with measurable evidence. And, by the way, since God cannot be measured, creationism cannot be a scientific theory.
The young lady is correct, of course.
We all live in imaginary time with our memories, hopes, and fears.
Time is not just relative to physical measurements like distance and speed.
Imaginary time speeds up and slows down depending on our situation.
The older we get, the faster time goes by.
This is our biological clock ticking, not a physical clock.
Our bio clocks differ — for some of us, the clock ticks slower or faster.
The 17 year
pops up this year with just enough time to procreate itself.
Then it dies, perhaps believing it had a long and fulfilled life.
Difficult to know what a
feels about aging. Most likely, nothing.
Tonight, I slept like a baby in La Rochelle.