Danaë, whom my first girl friend agreed was a portrait of herself.
The liquidity of paint attracts the water sign personae who enjoy painting themselves as morose as possible. Many of my favorite painters have birthdays in the last half of the sign of the Crab (July 7th - July 23rd), but not so many in the first half (June 21st - July 7th) . The first half of this water sign, it seems, is for writers. So far, I am neither a famous painter, nor famous writer. But then, I am not writing this journal for everyone.
Before I left the vicinity of Vienna, I had a traipse through the Vienna Woods with all its trees neatly spaced. I first heard the Tales of the Vienna Woods around '52 when Dad took Mom and me for our customary Sunday drive across the flamingo islands of Biscayne Bay. So these woods are not, as they are for others, the scenes my mind associates with the music that played forth from our tinny toned radio on that bright pastel afternoon and initiated me into the world of orchestral music. Which memories are public, and which are private, cannot always be distinguished by those who collect them. Slept this night on a train thru Germany traveling toward Frankfurt...