Arrived in Paris in afternoon and culture shock quickly overwhelmed me when no one spoke English. Lucky I bought that Berlitz European phrase guide back in New York, and could now say "Where's McDonald's?" in 14 languages. Thus via the Metro Paris underground, I managed to find my way to 6 Place Denfert-Rochereau where I had been invited to visit by Kate T. while I acclimated to French culture.
Although I was at the right building, there was no way in without a door opening. I had to make a phone call. The café on the corner had one. I put the correct amount of change into the box and dialed, but when Kate answered, she could not hear me. Frustrated after a few attempts of hello-goodbye hello-goodbye, I pulled the bartender over and gave him the coins. Then, I learned that in France, you put your coins in the box after the person answers. He walked away in disgust at hippy ignorance, and I walked into 6 Place Denfert-Rochereau knowing I was nowhere near Kansas anymore.